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In a time of great technology, ancient sword and sorcery clash

in a blinding flash of light! Sparks fly, the ground quakes, cell

phones flicker! The shockwave resonates through your very

spirit, stimulating long quiet emotions and releasing a single

tear of wonder.

As the smoke clears, one thing remains:

some damn great media.

Labor Union Gets Funny (But Accurate!) Legal Advice

Labor Union Gets Funny (But Accurate!) Legal Advice

A union organizer gets questionable legal advice in this short satire. But could the crazy lawyer be right: Is it LEGAL for unions to trespass on private property while screaming through bullhorns? Long story short: It absolutely WAS legal in California—until Pacific Legal Foundation won a victory for farmer Mike Fahner and Cedar Point Nursery at the Supreme Court in Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid (2021). One morning in fall 2015—during Northern California’s frenetic harvest season—Cedar Point Nursery was at full staff. Five hundred employees were hard at work in trim sheds, tending to the strawberry plants that would soon ship to growers throughout the country. They were suddenly shocked when a crowd burst through the doors and made their way through the building, barking through bullhorns that the workers needed to join the UFW. Some workers were so scared and intimidated that they left the property, but most stayed on the job, uninterested in union membership. California state law allowed private sector unions to come onto private property for (up to) 3 hours a day, 120 days a year to recruit workers into joining their union. But Cedar Point Nursery and Pacific Legal Foundation fought back—and won a victory for property rights at the Supreme Court. Learn more about the case: About Pacific Legal Foundation: Pacific Legal Foundation is a nonprofit legal organization that defends Americans’ liberties when threatened by government overreach and abuse. We sue the government when it violates Americans’ constitutional rights—and win! Website: Facebook: Twitter: @PacificLegal
Break The Ice with Tara
Break The Ice with Keith
Break The Ice with Petra
Break The Ice with Mateo
Break The Ice with JT
Break The Ice with Greg
Break The Ice with Catlyn
Break The Ice with Briley
"I Would Kill Hitler" How To Play 4K
"I Would Kill Hitler" Gameplay 4K
"Fending Off Wolves" - Catlyn
"I Enjoy Yard Work" - Catlyn
"Right?!" - Petra
"Of Course Sweaty" - JT
"Two For A Dollar Fifty" - JT
Read Aloud Children's Book: "I'm Worried" (Storytime with Bill Ep.1)

Read Aloud Children's Book: "I'm Worried" (Storytime with Bill Ep.1)

I read aloud the children's book "I'm Worried," by Michael Ian Black and Debbie Ridpath Ohi in this very first episode of "Storytime with Bill!" Watch til the end for a special message from my son, Bruce! Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more book readings. Sign up for NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a video when it releases. "I'm Worried" book: Buy it here: If you're like me and stuck at home with your kids during this strange time of social distancing, then you're looking for more things to do with them. Why not let me, a professional actor, voice artist, filmmaker, and dad, read some great books to your kids?! I'm Bill Parmentier and I'll give you the chance to take a break from the kids while I read them some books from my boys' library. Each video features one book that I'll read, and also a bit of conversation with one of my kids. Videos will release every time my wife can keep the boys occupied long enough. Created, shot, edited, and read by Bill Parmentier: Bill's production company, Oldstorm Studios: Also starring Bruce Parmentier Opening title sequence by Carson Crow: Original theme song by Arthur Crittenden Additional music by Michael Tilly Parks: Featured song "The Becoming" by Jacob Luecke:
Read Aloud Children's Book: "The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend"

Read Aloud Children's Book: "The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend"

I read aloud the children's book "The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend," by Dan Santat, in this second inspiring episode of "Storytime with Bill." My son Bruce has more advice for kids at the end! Read along with us! Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more book readings. Sign up for NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a video when it releases. "Beekle" book: Buy it here: If you're like me and stuck at home with your kids during this strange time of social distancing, then you're looking for more things to do with them. Why not let me, a professional actor, voice artist, filmmaker, and dad, read some great books to your kids?! I'm Bill Parmentier and I'll give you the chance to take a break from the kids while I read them some books from my boys' library. Each video features one book that I'll read, and also a bit of conversation with one of my kids. Videos will release every time my wife can keep the boys occupied long enough. Created, shot, edited, and read by Bill Parmentier: Bill's production company, Oldstorm Studios: Also starring Bruce Parmentier Opening title sequence by Carson Crow: Original theme song by Arthur Crittenden Additional music by Michael Tilly Parks: Featured song "Sunny Morning" by Jacob Luecke:
Children's Book Reading: "DON'T Push The Button!" (Storytime with Bill)

Children's Book Reading: "DON'T Push The Button!" (Storytime with Bill)

I read aloud the children's book "Don't Push The Button," by Bill Cotter, in this third silly episode of "Storytime with Bill." Bruce has another message for you at the end! Read along with us! Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more book readings. Sign up for NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a video when it releases. "Don't Push The Button" book: Buy it here: If you're like me and stuck at home with your kids during this strange time of social distancing, then you're looking for more things to do with them. Why not let me, a professional actor, voice artist, filmmaker, and dad, read some great books to your kids?! I'm Bill Parmentier and I'll give you the chance to take a break from the kids while I read them some books from my boys' library. Each video features one book that I'll read, and also a bit of conversation with one of my kids. Videos will release every time my wife can keep the boys occupied long enough. (Credits IN the video are incorrect. Here are the correct credits) Created, shot, and read by Bill Parmentier: Bill's production company, Oldstorm Studios: Also starring Bruce Parmentier Edited and title sequence by Carson Crow: Original theme song by Arthur Crittenden Additional music by Michael Tilly Parks: Featured song "All Together" by Jacob Luecke:
Children's Book Reading: "PECK PECK PECK" (Storytime with Bill)

Children's Book Reading: "PECK PECK PECK" (Storytime with Bill)

For our special series of books that take place OUTDOORS, I read aloud the children's book "Peck Peck Peck," by Lucy Cousins, in the first of our readings OUTSIDE. If you enjoy watching birds in the spring time like me, you'll love this book. My youngest son, Neil, makes his exciting "Storytime with Bill" debut! Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more book readings. Sign up for NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a video when it releases. "Peck Peck Peck" book: Buy it here: If you're like me and stuck at home with your kids during this strange time of social distancing, then you're looking for more things to do with them. Why not let me, a professional actor, voice artist, filmmaker, and dad, read some great books to your kids?! I'm Bill Parmentier and I'll give you the chance to take a break from the kids while I read them some books from my boys' library. Each video features one book that I'll read, and also a bit of conversation with one of my kids. Videos will release every time my wife can keep the boys occupied long enough. Created, shot, edited, and read by Bill Parmentier: Bill's production company, Oldstorm Studios: Also starring Neil and Bruce Parmentier Opening title sequence by Carson Crow: Original theme song by Arthur Crittenden Additional music by Michael Tilly Parks: Featured song "American Guitar" by Jacob Luecke:
Reading Children's Book: "Bear Feels Scared" [Storytime with Bill]

Reading Children's Book: "Bear Feels Scared" [Storytime with Bill]

Continuing our series of books that take place OUTDOORS, I read aloud the children's book "Bear Feels Scared," written by Karma Wilson and illustrated by Jane Chapman. With springtime comes storms, so I picked this book to learn about storms and how to deal with being afraid. Bruce returns to give me a hand. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more book readings. Sign up for NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a video when it releases. "Bear Feels Scared" book: Buy it here: If you're like me and stuck at home with your kids during this strange time of social distancing, then you're looking for more things to do with them. Why not let me, a professional actor, voice artist, filmmaker, and dad, read some great books to your kids?! I'm Bill Parmentier and I'll give you the chance to take a break from the kids while I read them some books from my boys' library. Each video features one book that I'll read, and also a bit of conversation with one of my kids. Videos will release every time my wife can keep the boys occupied long enough. Created, shot, edited, and read by Bill Parmentier: Bill's production company, Oldstorm Studios: Also starring Neil and Bruce Parmentier Opening title sequence by Carson Crow: Original theme song by Arthur Crittenden Additional music by Michael Tilly Parks: Featured song "Snow Dance" by Jacob Luecke:
Children's Story: "Explorers of The Wild" (Storytime with Bill)

Children's Story: "Explorers of The Wild" (Storytime with Bill)

For the finale of our OUTDOOR book series, I read aloud the children's book "Explorers of The Wild," written and illustrated by Cale Atkinson. Hiking and exploring nature is one of our favorite things to do outside, and this book highlights many of the reasons why. My son Bruce joins us again for some fresh air, exercise, and laughs. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more book readings. Sign up for NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a video when it releases. "Explorers of the Wild" book: Buy it here: If you're like me and stuck at home with your kids during this strange time of social distancing, then you're looking for more things to do with them. Why not let me, a professional actor, voice artist, filmmaker, and dad, read some great books to your kids?! I'm Bill Parmentier and I'll give you the chance to take a break from the kids while I read them some books from my boys' library. Each video features one book that I'll read, and also a bit of conversation with one of my kids. Videos will release every time my wife can keep the boys occupied long enough. Created, shot, and read by Bill Parmentier: Bill's production company, Oldstorm Studios: Also starring Neil and Bruce Parmentier Edited and opening title sequence by Carson Crow: Original theme song by Arthur Crittenden Additional music by Michael Tilly Parks: Featured song "Breeze" by Jacob Luecke:
LIVE Reading of "Even Superheroes Have Bad Days" {Storytime with Bill}

LIVE Reading of "Even Superheroes Have Bad Days" {Storytime with Bill}

Storytime with BIll reads "Even Superheroes Have Bad Days" by Shelly Becker and illustrated by Eda Kaban, LIVE on YouTube 4/14/20. This live video also includes discussion with viewers about the message of the book: it's OK to feel mad or sad, everyone does sometime. But it's not OK to act out impulsively on those feelings. We acknowledge our intense emotions, then use the strength in our hearts to make those negative impulses fade away. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more book readings. Sign up for NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a video when it releases. "Even Superheroes Have Bad Days" book: If you're like me and stuck at home with your kids during this strange time of social distancing, then you're looking for more things to do with them. Why not let me, a professional actor, voice artist, filmmaker, and dad, read some great books to your kids?! I'm Bill Parmentier and I'll give you the chance to take a break from the kids while I read them some books from my boys' library. Each video features one book that I'll read, and also a bit of conversation with one of my kids. Videos will release every time my wife can keep the boys occupied long enough. Created, shot, edited, and read by Bill Parmentier: Bill's production company, Oldstorm Studios:

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Member of the Missouri Motion Media Association, which works to reinstate film tax incentives and strengthen the industry throughout the state of Missouri.


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